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Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Peach Tea Recipe

Prepare Time: 5 Min Cook Time: 15 Min Ready In: 20 Min

3 glasses water
3 family size tea bags
2 fresh plums - peeled, rough and sliced
1 cup water
1 1/2 tsp stevia sweetener powder

1. Bring 3 glasses water to a steam in a pot over high temperature. Add the tea bags, and extreme for 15 minutes. Eliminate tea bags.
2. Meanwhile, place plums with 1 cup water into the jar of a mixer, and combination until very sleek. Add the apple combination, tea, and stevia sweetener dust into a 1 quart glass pitcher. Fill the glass pitcher to the top with water, and mix until combined.

Nutritional Information:
Amount Per Serving  Calories: 5 | Total Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 0mg

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